In the most recent improvement, Google and The Government of Sri Lanka had marked a MoU to dispatch the Project Google Loon extend in the island country to give fast Internet to its subjects all through the nation. With this venture, Sri Lanka will turn into world’s first nation to have Internet access over the whole country with the administration support. It appears Sri Lanka is noticing to the counsel of US President Mr. Barack Obama who just said the Internet is not an extravagance, it is a need.   Google will put to utilize its most recent created framework for this undertaking. 13 of the Google inflatables will be hanging in the stratosphere for the Project Google Loon and give Internet administrations to even the remotest spots of the bumpy locales of the nation. It is clear from this guide that a large portion of the creating nations have not got great access to the Internet. In any case, the Project Google Loon  plans to change that.

Understudies would get simple access to online reading material and little businesspeople will be associated with a more extensive national and additionally worldwide markets. In addition, the overall population would colossally gain advantage from the Project Google Loon with heaps of data and news contacting them consistently at the 3G pace.   In the meantime, Facebook too had been wanting to utilize a monstrous measure of automatons to convey Internet to 5 billion individuals.   Mike Cassidy, Google Vice President and Project Leader on GoogleX Loon said 13 inflatables of Project Google Loon will be sufficient to give Sri Lanka a full Internet scope at the 3G rate.