Why Rust is the Most Interesting New Programming Language?
1. Faster than Competitors
One of the major advantages of using Rust programming language is its speed. Unlike others, who have to constantly monitor runtime execution to prevent problems, Rust has no runtime checking. The compiler stops the bad code from ever getting built. Rust doesn’t require garbage collection due to its beautifully constructed memory management rules. It’s already popular for intelligent memory use. With little or no overhead, Rust is perfect for embedded hardware. Furthermore, Rust can also be used with Raspberry Pi without any hassle. Also Read: 7 Most Safe and Secure Programming Languages in 2019
2. Availability of Cargo
Rust comes with a very useful package manager called Cargo. Just like NPM in JavaScript or Ruby Gems, Cargo offers and compiles everything you need for your project. Cargo is used for creating a new project in Rust, check code for errors, compile, build and manage your dependencies. There’s a Cargo.toml file present in every Rust project. This file contains project details and dependencies. Every time you build your project, Cargo uses the Cargo.toml file to package everything the project needs. Cargo is simple and easy to use even for beginners, so you won’t find anything challenging here.
3. Rust is special
We know different programming languages are suitable for different purposes. Low-level languages are fast and so they are perfect for hardware and memory-intensive jobs. On the other hand, high-level languages like Python, Ruby, and JavaScript are easier to read, write and learn. High-level languages are good with memory management and so they are more comfortable and safe to use. Rust combines the speed and control of a lower-level language with the tools, safety, and debugging provided from a high-level language.
4. Rust Will Help You Become a Better Programmer
Most of the people in programming space are self-taught programmers. They mostly use high-level languages for development and other purposes. Yes, it’s also possible to be proficient at coding but not truly understand what makes your program tick. Beginner programmers often start with C and other languages that make them believe learning languages isn’t too hard. But, if you don’t understand memory management well, you are going to have tough times while debugging the code. The difference is Rust’s cleverly designed rules and the helpful compiler also assists you in learning good practices.
5. Also Suitable for Web Development
Rust programming language can also be used for web development. The speed and safety features of Rust is available on the web too. WebAssembly is both a low-level language and a portable executable for running code online, and so any language can be compiled into WebAssembly. You can use frameworks like Rocket to create pure Rust web apps. JavaScript isn’t going anywhere in the upcoming years but the combination of Rust and WebAssembly is quite powerful and will play an important role in many future projects. Recommended: Why You Should Learn Rust Programming Language?
That’s it for this article. I hope you found it useful. If you’re a passionate programmer or just looking for a new and exciting language to learn, keep Rust as your topmost priority. And lastly, don’t forget to share your most used programming language in the comments below.